Dear Jan,

@5-Feb-2004, 09:55 -0500 (05-Feb 14:55 UK time) Jan Rifkinson [JR]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

JR> Would someone be good enough to explain the differences,
JR> advantages, disadvantages of IMAP vs POP3 to me? Or point me to a
JR> simple explanation as I'm not too bright.

POP3 is a message delivery protocol. It allows you to download all
of your messages from a POP3 server to local mailbox folders.

IMAP is a mail storage and exchange protocol. Messages can be stored
in folders on the mail server and used from any IMAP capable client
without having to transport messages around on multiple machines. It
can also be used as a transfer protocol, allowing you to store
messages locally as well as or instead of on the remote server.


Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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