JR> Would someone be good enough to explain the differences,
JR> advantages, disadvantages of IMAP vs POP3 to me?

I am trying to better understand this myself. So far here's what I
have, which is *none* of the tech details and just *a bit* of the
usage differences.

With POP your choices *for receive* are A) leave mail on server or B)
delete messages when downloaded. This means if you check your mail
from 2 (or more) different machines *only* your "primary" machine
would be the one you want set to delete mssgs. When checking from
other PCs you would want to leave mail on server so everything ends up
in only the one email client on your primary PC. This works well with
no problems.

When *sending* using POP there is no problem if you send from your
primary PC - BUT, sending from any other PC would leave you no record
of a sent message. The common work-around for this is to BCC yourself.
It works, but is hardly perfect.

With IMAP the server is smarter. It knows if you are at you primary PC
or not and if you send from any other PC it puts the sent mssg into
your sent mail folder in your primary email client for you.

Am I close?


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