Tuesday, February 24, 2004, 11:22:15 AM, Mark wrote:

M> When I installed 2.04.4 over 2.01.3 the installation
M> routine presented a default folder for install, which
M> I assumed to be the current installation folder.
M> However, the default folder presented was
M> c:/program files/TheBat
M> The 2.01.03 default installation had been to
M> c:/program files/The Bat (note the space)

Interesting. I just (!) upgraded to 2.04.4 from 2.01.3 and have also
just confirmed I have the search bug. However, I do not have multiple
install directories. I think, serious though the double install problem
is, it maybe a red herring in the search issue.

I think RIT need to publish a fix for this pronto.  Everybody should
*not* be expected to employ the fix described here (but kudos to they
who found the fix).

Surely, the nature of this beast suggests that there is a file in 2.03
that is needed in 2.04?


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