On Wednesday, April 28, 2004, Mary Bull wrote...

MB>>> Marck, what's your best advice to me?

MDP>> Well, I use this:

MDP>> String  : Reply-To:.*TBUDL@
MDP>> Location: Kludges
MDP>> Presence: Yes
MDP>> RegEx   : (On)

> Well, then that's what I'm going to do. Somehow at some point I got
> the idea that I needed to put the domain in the string. But I guess
> that's because I didn't understand what RegEx was doing.

In this case, the .* means match any character except a new line...
and the rest on that bit you can work out... as for not including the
domain, you wouldn't need to, it is just looking for the Presence of
that string anywhere in the headers, so:

  Reply-To: bobbobobobbob [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Would match (hence my comment in my email
msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the follow-up
msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED])... But so would the


Like searching for the word 'and' in a text file about musical bands
;) Band would match, so would and ;) Make any sense?

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Hal 9000 - "Put down those Windows disks Dave.... Dave? DAVE!!"

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