MAU wrote in

> I fully agree with you and do the same. Messages in lists like this one
> can be viewed as threads, why quote then?

Well, for example, I can't tell quite what you just fully agreed with.
I purge my TBUDL folder when I leave it, and the antecedent of your
post is gone; the threaded view makes no difference.  I'm sure I did
read the antecedent -- probably it was posted only yesterday, my time.
But since then I have read a several hundred threads in groups and
lists, and my wetware is not up to recalling each read post in each

> If the height of the pane is full with quoted text (i.e. I have to
> scroll down to find the first line of the response) I usually just
> skip that message.

Me too.  Snipping everything unnecessary to provide context is good,
and IMO encouraging that is the only good way to deal with the

> That is even worse when the quoted text is preceded with several
> lines telling me what time it was in several parts of the world,
> repeating the Subject, etc. :)

I agree.  Two lines for the attribution seems a good rule-of-thumb to
me, but opinions vary.   I don't put in "Hello MAU" greetings in order
to keep it short, but I don't mind them either.  I think they help
foster the friendly atmosphere here.


TB! v1.60q
Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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