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Hello Urban,

On 05 June 2004, 03:26 +0200 (05/06/200402:26 local time) Urban [U] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

U> Not just the standard ones, and that is what is so wrong. There should
U> at least be a warning upon sending of messages containing the
U> non-standard ones that they may not come out right in the viewer's mail
U> client. Maybe asking to send as HTML (yuck) instead so that the receiver
U> can read the mail the way the sender intended it.

I think there is some confusion about smileys... nothing has changed in
regard to sending messages. TB! will send exactly what you write. It
does not send images. If you prefer not to use 'traditional' text
smileys that's fine. If you prefer not to use the 'alternate' smileys
that's fine. You see, it's up to you. And usually when writing a message
you have a good idea who your intended audience is and if they will
appreciate your smileys.

- --
As ever,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823 | PGP Key ID 0xD644460D

The Bat! 2.11.02 | BayesIt! 0.5.5 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1)

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.3
Comment: "PGP Key available from ldap://europe.keys.pgp.com/:11370";


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