Hello Chris,

On 08 June 2004, 20:09 Chris Weaven [CW] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MW>> If you're happy using beta versions I recommend you getting your
MW>> hands on 2.11.03 (you're probably using 2.11.02) as it has much
MW>> improved IMAP support.

CW> Sorry to jump in here, but what is the improved IMAP support?

It's working _much_ more reliably in just about every aspect. There are
problems still but it's usable.

CW> All I've seen is that is has an 'IMAP requests watcher'.

That's to help identify problems... which it has.

CW> If there's more than this on the IMAP side, let me know as I keen to
CW> 'test' IMAP support!

Please join in! :-)

As ever,
Martin Webster
Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823 | PGP Key ID 0xD644460D

The Bat! 2.11.03 | BayesIt! 0.5.5 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1)

Attachment: pgpEL4TXLpdOR.pgp
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