Hello Marck,

Saturday, June 12, 2004, 12:35:54 PM, you wrote:

MDP>    Use it like this: Create a Quick Template called 'c'.

MDP> ,------/ 'C' Quick template \------
MDP> %clear%-
MDP> To     : %otoname <%otoaddr>
MDP> From   : %ofromname <%ofromaddr>
MDP> Subject: %osubject
MDP> Date   : %odate

MDP> %text
MDP> `------\ End /------   

MDP> Start a reply to the message, type 'c<Ctrl+Space>' and the edit
MDP> window will fill with a correctly formatted message, ready for you
MDP> to <Ctrl+A><Ctrl+C> as you wish :-).

I tried the above method, but when starting a reply to the message, the original 
message is diplayed, as expected; however, when I type 'c<Ctrl+Space>', it copies 
everything from the template below the already quoted reply message (the quick 
template also omits the word "To" for the To field).

I tried using the macro %clear%- just as you typed it above, then I selected the 
%clear macro from the list, to see if this made any difference....it didn't.  What am 
I doing incorrectly?

I've never created a Quick Template before, so please excuse my ignorance.

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v2.11.04 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

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