Christopher Brown, [CB] wrote:

> My IMAP folders are not acting up nearly as much these days, but I'm
> still having some trouble. One account has stopped retrieving new
> messages, although the correct number shows up in the folder view
> (under the unread heading, it right now shows "28<*>").

This means that TB! has done a tally of what's on the server but
hasn't synchronised locally with the server.

> What, exactly, is synchronization?

In order to read the what's on the server, you have to copy what's on
the server locally. The synchronzation makes your local copy/cache of
what's on the server current. There are options as to what you may
wish to synchronize. You may wish to synchronize only headers, in
which case only message headers are retrieved so that you can see a
list of what messages are on the server and thread them etc. When you
select a message, the message body is retrieved.

You may also wish to synchronize not only message headers, but the
headers and body text without attachments. You may also wish to
synchronize entire messages or just new messages.

I synchronize only message headers and retrieve bodies as needed,
i.e., when they're selected.

Note that locally, you only have cached copies of what's on the
server. Your messages remain on the server unless you move them to a
local folder in TB!.

To find these sync options:

- right click each IMAP folder and go to the Synchronisation menu

- right click each IMAP folder, select Properties and via the
Properties panel there's a drop down menu to adjust synchronisation

- go to the Account's menu and select IMAP Commands//Manage IMAP
Folders. In that panel you can quickly toggle the various
Synchronization options for the various IMAP folders.

> My guess would be that, as an example, if changes are made to a
> folder (not by my copy of TB!), including the arrival of new
> incoming mail, those changes would not show up on my copy of TB!
> unless I synchronize. If I set it to synchronize, the new is not
> retrieved.

If the synchronization options are set for the folder then one other
thing to check would be to go in the Account Properties panel and go
to Mail Management. In the sections labelled, 'Automatically connect
to server', it's useful to enable those options so that message bodies
for selected messages and header syncs are done upon selecting
folders, even though the folders may not be set to synchronize

If all of these are in order, sometimes restarting TB! works. In the
past I've had to do this more than once.

If that doesn't work, then try deleting the local cache for the IMAP
folders since there may be a problem with them. To do this, right
click each IMAP folder and select Properties. The 'clear cache now'
button is there on the Properties panel. DO NOT use the 'empty folder'
option to do this. This will empty the IMAP folders contents *on the

-=[ :Allie: ]=- (List Moderator and fellow end-user)

Running The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 on WinXP Pro (SP1) 

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