Hello Cyrille,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 5:19:14 AM, you wrote:

C> Hello Subscriber2list,

C> Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 12:17:21 AM, you wrote:

>> Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
>> "Follow-up" menu selection was offered.  Oh well ... not a biggy to me
>> as I can always just create a new message with new subject field
>> content, but what Greg described seemed a very handy, dandy thing to
>> learn to do ... but, alas, I have failed ... to comprehend something
>> or ... "Follow-up" is not an option with The Bat! Version 2.0 AFAICT.

C> You can edit the 'Follow-up' header whenever you are editing a
C> message:

C> 1) At the top of your editor window you see the editable headers like
C>    'From:', 'CC:', 'Subject'.

By "editor window" here, I assume you mean the window that resulted
from my hitting the Reply selection.

C> 2) If you can not find between these headers there the 'Follow-up'
C>    header, simply right-click on any of the other header titles
C>    (on the title at the left, not on the field itself).

I right-clicked on all of the header titles (not the fields
themselves) one by one and got the same result ... a context menu did
open giving me a list of 14 possibilities ... along with the option
selection to "Edit Headers".

C> 3) The context menu which opens gives you the possibilities to show
C>    (and to hide) 12 different headers. Among them you find also the
C>    'Follow-up' header.

No "Follow-up" possibility was in the context menu of possibilities.
Nor do I quite understand the "show and hide" reference, but suspect
that is applicable to the newer version releases.  I am using an older
version of The Bat!, Version 2.0.0 (from the About option) (will have
to look for specific other numbers, if needed).

C> 4) If you click on 'Follow-up' in this context menu, the 'Follow-up'
C>    header will be shown as an editable header field like 'From:', 'CC:',
C>    'Subject', etc.

Again, not available to click on.

C> 5) In case you are writing a new message this new field will simply be
C>    empty. In case you reply or forward a message, TB will
C>    automatically put in the field the message ID of the message you
C>    reply to (or you forward) and the IDs of the other messages which
C>    have been in the 'References' header of the message you reply to
C>    (or you forward).

Possible of note, is I selected the "Edit Headers" of the context menu
and it displayed The Bat! -Preferences window with Message Headers
highlighted.  In this window it listed all the header info that makes
up the context menu and a few more.  One of the headers listed, but
not displayed in the context menu is Message-ID ... having entry of NO
to both Address List and Editor (the other three not listed are
Mailer, Date Created, Date Received).

I mention Message-ID as it seems it should come into play when one
changes the Subject field somehow ... if I remember correctly from
reading a few other messages.

Oh well ... Cyrille, thanks for your very gracious and detailed help.
Pretty good steps to follow.  BTW, my Dad's name was Cyrille ;>)

Take care,


Best regards,

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