Hello Robin Anson,

RA> I assume that you store attachments in the message bodies not in a
RA> separate file. If the file has the name "part-0123456.tmp" in the
RA> email, TB! won't recognise it as a JPEG even if that is noted
RA> within the email like this:

>> ------------A94C3E2EE16FAA
>> Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="part-0123456.tmp"
>> Content-transfer-encoding: base64
>> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="part-0123456.tmp"

No, I use a filter to move the messages to the designated folder AND
extract the attachments to a folder for permanent storage, even after
the messages become out of date and are deleted.

Actually, the HTML code for these attachments (actually inline images)

Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=part-57703.tmp
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=part-57703.tmp

RA> Strictly speaking, that is not a bug, but it would certainly be a
RA>desirable feature to have TB! read the "Content-Type" header and
RA> display graphics files accordingly.

EXACTLY!!  Better yet, it should RECOGNIZE and SAVE the image file
with the CORRECTED file extension, based upon the Content Type!  If
the filename is duplicated, it should auto-increment the filename as I
have the preference set in the filter.  I don't care about the
filenames, as the original filenames seem to be lost in this
questionable method of sending inline image attachments.  Leave it to
AOL to screw up a perfectly good "standard!"

RA> The best approach I can think of would be to create a filter to
RA> save the attachments to a particular directory. This could be a
RA> manual one, activated by a hotkey, or it could automatically act
RA> on all messages from relevant mailing lists. You could add this as
RA> an action to the filters that already act on these messages
RA> perhaps?

I have tried this, however TB! doesn't recognize these files AS A
VALID ATTACHMENT!  I have even added the file type to the list of
types under '/Options /Protection /Display without warning' which had
no noticeable effect.  I don't have the tools to handle this using an
external solution (that I am aware of) perhaps by extracting the
entire messages and processing them somehow externally.

RA> I think TB! could do a better job of recognising the type of
RA> attachment than it does. That would certainly help since then you
RA> would see a separate tab in the email, and you could view the JPEG
RA> file in that.

This is what I am seeking, that TB! take this new and proliferating
'standard' of sending inline files into consideration, as they
represent a VALID attachment file.  If the file is displayed as a TAB,
then it will be extracted and saved properly (I hope).  Given the
(unfortunate) market penetration of AOL & Netscape, this will only
become MORE of an issue as time passes.  If necessary, I can run an
external batch file to change the file extensions as needed.  I would
prefer that this be handled by TB! by properly recognizing the correct
file type!  Maybe this needs to move over to TBTECH??

This is turning what WAS a simple and fully automated process into a
3-5 hour a day chore for me, and I don't have that kind of time to
waste!  The bad thing is that these images are sent to me to be
re-distributed on a mailing list.  This redistribution TB! USED TO do
well.  Now it is plain drudgery.  I can't control the mailer/ISP of
the list members.  Approximately 40% of the membership of this list
unfortunately is AOHeller's.... :-(  We collect and trade pictures of
our pet parrots and their humorous antics.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the year:
"A Wok is what you twow at a wabbit!"

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