Hallo Mic,

On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 12:11:11 +0800GMT (10-7-2004, 6:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

MIC> I'm a sports journalist, and I need to file word docs to my
MIC> editor on the buzzer. Can I set up the Bat so I can just tell it
MIC> to send the email with file already attached as soon as I've
MIC> finished and saved the doc? No, I need to save the doc, attach it
MIC> and then send it. It might not seem like a lot, but when you're
MIC> VERY pressed for time, and using a laptop, it's a lot.

I understand what you want and there are ways almost what you wish.
They have to do with templates, but I suppose that won't be no
problem for you.

The first way is to create a QT (quick template) with the the
text %Attachfile="MyPath\MyFile" with MyPath\MyFile directing to the
document you're editing.
Call the QT 'attach'
Write a nice polite mail to your editor
When your mail is done (without the attach) write the word 'attach' in
it, no quotes and separated from all other text with spaces
Place the cursor at the end of the word 'attach'
Edit your document, finisah it, save it
Go to the edit mail screen with your message
Press Ctrl-space (that executes the QT, as they're executed by typing
their name followed by Ctrl-space)
Press F2 and the message is on its way.

The other way is to write a nice message to your editor and save it as
a text file
This way has two varieties, either you write the text as a template,
with besides the necessary text also these macros:
%To=""%To='"My Editor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'%-
%Subject="Recent sports tournament"%-
Now you create a batch file
With two commands saying:
Save the batch file to your desktop as sendnow.bat
When you've finished and saved your article you double click on the
sendnow icon on your desktop and everything gets executed.

The other variety of the batch file way is to write a simple message
to your editor, save it as text, but don't use any macros
Create a batch file with a slightly more complicated first command:
PROTECTED];a="MyPath\MyFile";c="MyPath\MyMessage";s="My Tournament"
For the rest it's the same as the first variety

Note that for both of the batch files you don't need to use quotes
except for those parameters that include spaces.

MIC> Even Agent, brain-dead as it sometimes is, allows you to do the above.

TB has its own ways to enable this.

MIC> My point here is that everybody has different needs, and are not
MIC> necessarily idiots for wanting something different from someone
MIC> else.

I've never said anything that could interpreted as that. The only
thing I said was that you're an idiot when you're expecting a feature
to do something else than it says. Though I didn't put it that

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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