I finally got BayesIt trained and it caught its first bit of spam
today. :)  A few questions:

1.  Is ongoing training necessary only when BayesIt misses spam or
mis-identifies non-spam, or is something more required?

2.  Is there a point where training BayesIt doesn't noticeably improve
accuracy, and in fact slows down processing because of of the size of
its dictionaries?  If so, where is that point?

3.  You guys describe your own accuracy stats in terms of "99.8% for
last month", "99.94% for last week" and such.  Where are you getting
these stats?

And for you Ritlabs guys watching: you've *got* to get the help files
updated and/or a manual produced.  BayesIt would be a lot less
intimidating with some instruction.

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The Bat! version 2.11.02 on Windows XP Service Pack 1

On another Butcher's window: Pleased to meat you.

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