My apologies for asking these basic questions, but frankly, I'm so
overwhelmed with stuff I have to do, and so sick of Outlook, that I'm
looking for some quick answers. I did check at the site first, but not as
thoroughly as I probably could have.


- Is there a built-in HTML editor for email? WSYWIG?

- Can I configure it to reply in plain text to all msgs, including ones that
come as HTML? Does the program convert the message I'm replying to first,
including quoting it in my reply if I want? Is the conversion reasonable?

- Can it be configured not to fetch any images or other remote content,
while still displaying HTML in msgs?

- Can I write emails as HTML source code? (I don't use styled msgs very
often, but if I did want to, that's a comfortable way to do it for me, since
I'm a web developer.)

- I'm sure it has folders for organizing email. Can folders contain other
folders, and so on?

- Am I right that The Bat can quote msgs in replies like this, with the
author's initials:
DM> Message text
DM> More msg text

- Can its import from Outlook bring in items that aren't email msgs?
Specifically, 'Post In This Folder' items?

- Is its address book really email-centric, or will it do for general
contact management? Multiple separately labelable phone numbers? Street
address, ideally more than one? Searchable categories or keywords?

- Not directly about The Bat, but what are people using for calendaring? I
hate Outlook, but it's currently my email, address book, and calendar, so
replacing it completely means replacing all those functions. Contacts have
to be in my email program to make any sense, but The Bat doesn't do
appointments and stuff, right? I suppose I don't hate Outlook's calendar as
much as I hate its email, so I could just keep using it for that one thing,
but if there are other great alternatives for Windows, I'd love to know.

Thanks very much for any help, really appreciated,

Dave Merrill

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