> > So if I just write html in the normal msg editor, TB knows to send
> > it as an html msg, not just show the html I wrote as text? That'd be
> > ideal; I'd rather write my own html than use a "smart" WYSIWYG html
> > editor. Am I understanding you right that that's what it does?
> Though TB! will display the message as HTML, other clients may not do
> so unless the headers do say that the message is in HTML format.

So TB doesn't do that when it detects html in my outgoing msgs... hmmmm...
Allie (only, please), would you mind trying that, sending an html email
built that way to me directly? Thanks.

> > What do people use for calendaring outside of TB?
> I use 'Time and Chaos'.

That's what Perry said too. I checked it out a while ago, as a contact mgr
and scheduler for my wife (Eudora user). I should look again, thinking only
about scheduling.

Thanks much,

Dave Merrill

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