On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 7:59:36 PM, MikeD wrote in message:

M> Can you fire up a version of windows long enough to get the install to
M> work?  Then you can just 'migrate' the results to your linux box.

M> I keep a small Windows partition on most of my linux boxes for just
M> that purpose.  It is still possible to do that via a second box, but
M> not as easy.

On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 9:34:45 PM, MAU wrote in message:
M> I can't guaranty it will work because I have no way of testing it here
M> (no Linux box), but I am pretty sure that if you get thebat.exe from a
M> .msi installation on Windows and copy it to your Linux one (rename your
M> current thabat.exe first to be safe) it should work without problems.

Thanks Mike and Miguel, I appreciate your suggestions.

I started thinking along the same lines myself after I'd posted
to the list, so I did just that... I have v3 trial on a Windows
PC here and my full v2.12 on the Xandros box, so copied over the
.exe and the two .dll files from Windows to Xandros and it

Well most of it does... I have _no_ glyphs at all... not
in toolbars, account tree, sorting office, editor... nowhere!
Obviously the transparency thing that has been used in the new
glyphs is not compatible with CO/Xandros, so I've used again the
old glyphs file and now I have icons again. :) (Albeit with
transparent edges as before but at least the middles can be

 Anne Registered Linux user #345132

 Flying high with The Bat! v2.12.00 on Xandros Desktop Deluxe v2.0 
 Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum http://the-bat-forums.donzeigler.com

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