At 09/03/04 23:24 , Doug Weller wrote:
>Are there many examples of getting refunds if you bought something 3
>months before an upgrade/new model?

The previous poster was, I believe, interested not in a refund, but in
a no-charge upgrade.  At least, that was my understanding.

Just recently, from out of the blue, I received an e-mail from
JP Software, which had attached to it, new keys for new versions of
their excellent products, 4DOS, 4NT, and TakeCommand.  Back in June of
this year, I had upgraded to the (then) current versions, and until
receiving this e-mail, I wasn't even aware of there being new versions.
The e-mail stated that they were sending free upgrades to everyone who
had ordered on or after June 1.  That's what I call excellent customer
relations!  This is some of the best, most solid, bug-free, and (to me)
valuable software that I have ever used, and I have been using it for
over a decade.  Highly recommended.

Just Another Joe

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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