could any one tell me how to unsubscribe please?

BW> Hello experts,

BW> I am trying The Bat! Home Edition 3.0. Now I found
BW> problem. Some
BW> e-mails are in Chinese.

BW> In earlier versions, the subject line could show
BW> Chinese characters in
BW> viewer window as well as in message list window
BW> although in RFC-822
BW> headers such characters as "=?gb2312?B?x+8gwOs=?="
BW> showed up.

BW> In this new version, in some accounts, Chinese
BW> can be shown.
BW> However, in other accounts, Chinese characters
BW> not be shown
BW> correctly in the subject line in the viewer window
BW> although they are
BW> shown in RFC-822 headers and in the message list
BW> window. This not only
BW> happens in subject line, but in from and to line.
BW> Chinese were
BW> replaced with "?". Strangely, when I save the
BW> Chinese subject
BW> can show up. But those "?" are very annoying.

BW> I do not know if appropriate to send the
attachment to
BW> the list. I
BW> have two screenshots. But I did not send.

BW> Could anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
BW> in advance.

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