Hello, Mike!

On Saturday, 6 October 16 2004, Mike Rourke wrote:

MR> I used SpamPal for awhile. It can be big and slow.
MR> K9 is much faster and about 99% accurate....

Thank you for your input, Mike. Ironically, someone else
sent me a private message highly recommending SpamPal for
use with The Bat!; he did not mention it slowing down his
system, however. Perhaps the two of you have different
hardware configurations and system resources?

MR> The last five days of BayesIt, it's accuracy rate
MR> has been: 100%, 100%, 99.789%, 100%, 99.889%....

Your experience with the BayesIt plugin is indeed impressive,
Mike! (SpamPal, as you know, has a Bayesian plugin.)

Right now, I am using a service called ChooseYourMail at
<http://www.mycym.com/> to check my various POP accounts,
plus my MyCYM.com account. It does so every ten minutes
and places any messages not on my whitelist in an unverified
messages directory. Almost all of that e-mail is spam. When
a message is legitimate, however, I know that the sender is
irritated when she or he receives a challenge from MyCYM.com
and is asked to select the URL in the message to verify the
sender's message to me and to be added to my whitelist.

If I decide on The Bat! (a decision being hampered by the fact
that I have to reinstall Windows XP Professional and health
problems that have adversely affected my financial status), I
would like to configure it to pull my e-mail from MyCYM.com
and put each account's messages in the proper directory, with
other directories for certain projects and discussion lists.

I have a single ID and password for MyCYM.com, and the POP3 and
SMTP servers are the same, <mail.mycym.com>. Retrieving the
messages would not be a problem, and I will have to hope that
my filters for incoming mail are absolutely correct. When I
send a message via The Bat! for a particular account, however,
I see no option, under "Account Properties," to set a password
and login ID for the SMTP server. I would prefer not to reroute
all messages (except for my MyCYM.com) account through MyCYM's
SMTP server. With the war against spam escalating, this type
of rerouting might actually result in messages I send getting
blocked, because the domain name (e.g., '[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
would not be the same as the MyCYM.com SMTP server's domain.
(Spammers, of course, never enter their real e-mail addresses.)

I could, of course, configure MyCYM.com not to check any of my
POP accounts, which is why I am looking at a separate program
to manage and filter e-mail -- at least until I am comfortable
with The Bat! and its filtering system. (As an unemployed ex-
senior technical writer, I am very frustrated that The Bat!
does not have a written manual, even if it were only a PDF
file. As a comparison, I use the text editor UltraEdit-32
<http://www.ultraedit.com/> and even minor releases, such as
10.10a, have new manuals in PDF format. Maybe it's because
of my profession, but I always read documentation.) :-)

Anyway, I think The Bat! is a great e-mail program that will
be my long-sought "Outlook XP replacement," but I also realize
that the program takes time and effort to master and that I
will have to climb the proverbial learning curve with care,
or risk making hugh messes and losing messages.

I seem to have gone off on a tangent, Mike, but I do appreciate
your time and advice. I am still considering SpamPal; for one
thing, the number of plug-ins for it keeps growing. The Bat!
is obviously very strong in the area of plug-ins, but SpamPal
complements any POP e-mail account.

Your comments about performance, however, do concern me, Mike,
and I thank you again!


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