Hello, Alexander!

On Sunday, 17 October 2004, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

ASK> If you have to look at what you're spending your
ASK> money for, IMO, you're better off with a good
ASK> standalone virus scanner (I recommend Kaspersky)
ASK> and leave all the (IMO crappy, sorry) Norton stuff
ASK> be....

Thank you for your candid response, Alexander, and you owe
me no apology for your opinion of Symantec. Regarding the
issue of "spending [my] money," I was given Norton SytemWorks
2005 Premium last week as a gift by an excessively generous
person, to wish me well with some health and employment
problems I am facing -- so the money has already been spent
(past tense). :-|

I have been very happy with Norton System Works Professional
(now Premium) for several years. Symantec's support is an
entirely different matter! My research shows that Norton
AntiVirus ranks consistently high, and I mean no disrespect
to the other fine antivirus programs, such as Kaspersky. (I
do worry that NAV shows a progress bar when I send out e-mail
with every single client I have tried, except for The Bat!,
because if NAV is not checking outgoing mail for viruses,
which I think is a great idea, how do I know that it is
checking incoming messages with TB? One person has suggested
that NAV works automatically and unseen with TB!, which is
why there is no plug-in. I know that with 1.X.X versions of
The Bat! and NAV that users had to configure each account
with some sort of link to Symantec's Web site, in order to
get NAV 2001, I believe, to work with The Bat!.

You mention alternatives to Symantec's, Alexander, but I have
not been able to find alternatives to SystemWorks' diagnostic
and disk tools. (The defragmenter that comes with Windows XP
Professional is not in the same league as Norton's SpeedDisk.)

I do not want to dwell on the initial comment in your kind
reply, Alexander, because I have never had any problems with
Norton SystemWorks, and it's what I have, unless I try to sell
the gift on eBay. ;-) When I install it, after reinstalling
Windows XP Pro, Alexander, I will have System Mechanic monitor
the installation, so I will have a precise record of what is
installed and where.

Besides -- the main topic is the benefits and drawbacks of using
a tool such as SpamPal or K9 to filter e-mail before The Bat!
accepts the messages.

Although I am concerned about a "performance hit" by any such
add-on utility, such a program also gives me some "breathing
room" while I try to learn The Bat!'s sophisticated and powerful
filtering, as well as giving me the chance to experiment with
Bayesian filtering before trying the BayesIT plug-in with The

You mention my canceling my MyCYM.com account, Alexander. I
could have MyCYM stop checking, retrieving, filtering, and sorting
e-mail from my POP3 accounts, but I have distributed the 'mycym.com'
e-mail address widely. It's on every resume that I've sent out or
submitted to IT jobs site, Alexander, and IT recruiters swap
resumes, so I do not know who all legitimately has the particular
e-mail address. On the other hand, MyCYM is run by MailPort25,
which, until a couple of years ago, offered essentially the same
e-mail service on SpamRecycle.com. MailPort25 supposedly notified
all subscribers that their SpamRecycle.com accounts would be
canceled by a certain date, but I never received a notice and I
lost all of my e-mail still on the server. One day, there simply
was no login section on the SpamRecycle.com site! A few months
ago, MailPort25 supposedly switched over the outsourcing of some
portion of its ISP services, and all MyCYM.com subscribers found
that we had no way to log in. After repeated e-mails to support,
I was told of the situation and that I "had received an e-mail
notification about the problem" -- but I, nor any subscriber I
know, received the notice. MailPort25 also asked for proof of
subscribers' previous renewal date or payment for another year
($25 US). Although it would be best for me to keep the MyCYM.com
account, Alexander, I think that you can guess what my fear is
about MyCYM! :-( People and software vendors get tired of my
changing my e-mail address!

I apologize for my incoherence, Alexander. It is well after 1:00 AM
in my time zone and I am trying to decide whether an add-on, such
as K9 or SpamPal, would be to my advantage. In addition, because
Windows XP Pro, which I must reinstall, is unstable, I have not
been able to test The Bat! thoroughly. When I get an error, such as
an access violation, in The Bat!, I do not know if the problem is
with TB! or WinXP Pro.

You are correct about Symantec products being virtually unremovable,
but -- as I say -- I have not found a substitute for SpeedDisk or
WinDoctor; plus, I do have this copy of SystemWorks Premium 2005,
which might be the first version of SystemWorks that causes me
problems, or it might work wonderfully. Obviously, I cannot reinstall
Windows XP Pro unless I have antivirus software, and I do use the
other utilities in Norton SystemWorks. (Ghost, which I have never
needed, *does* occasionally slow the system down.)

I thank you, again, for your message, Alexander, and I would appreciate
hearing from others. (If anyone has a message regarding using Norton
SystemWorks or alternatives, please send me a private message, because
such a discussion would be off-topic on TBUDL. Thanks!)



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