Hello Morpheus & everyone else

19-Okt-2004 17:23, you wrote:

> Very pleased to have you jump in. Thank you for converting my message
> to something Techies can understand rather than the IT illiterate
> idiots like me ;-)

I just felt that you and Marck could not "connect" somehow... :)

Sorry, only to germans: Hölle, was heisst "aneinander vorbeireden" auf
Englisch? (it is only a question on how to express a certain phrase so any
non-germans do not miss a thing, no hidden jokes, no nothing, promised!)

> I collect my mail by using which you quite rightly point out
> is my own machine. My satellite connection downloads mail without my
> PC being directly connected to the internet via my ISP and dumps the
> mail into a personal folder and using successfully locates
> this folder and gives me email.

So, as Marck already said, some sorta software *must* be installed on your
PC. It listens on port 110 for any POP3 requests and then feeds the mail
that it temporarily stored, whichever way, to the program that made the
POP3 request - that program happens to be TheBat!, and it gets something
that is already on your system, and possibly got mangled somehow on its way
there, either on the satellite route, or by the software that buffers the
content locally on your end.

Now, I don't know much about satellite technique, but I assume it is some
sort of proxy. Who configured the machine for you when you got that
satellite connection?

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 without smilies :-P

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     from the 1998 album 'Synergy'

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