On Tue 26-Oct-04 6:55am -0400, Perry Nelson wrote:

> It says, "Processed by: New Rule. Actions performed:"
> What does that tell us? Does the fact that nothing
> follows the "Actions performed:" portion indicate
> that no actions were performed, which is consistent
> with what I am seeing? If you perform you own test on
> your copy of my filter, do you get the same message
> that I get or something else?

What that tells us is that your filter is not being
triggered at all.  Instead, another filter called "New
Rule" is being triggered - which performs no action -
and no additional filters are being triggered.

In my test, the window specifies that my test filter is
triggered and the "move to folder" action is performed
- which it indeed is.

Best regards,

The Bat! Pro - BayesIt! 0.7.3 - XP Pro SP2 - POP3

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