Hello TBUDL,

Historians believe that on 19 November 2004, at 22:39:33 +0100 (which was
21:39 where I live) daRkSidE emanated these words of wisdom

> I want to export some messages contained in a folder, calling The Bat!
> via command line, by another program that is running as a service.

> If TB! is closed, the program who calls TB!, goes on stand-by and TB!
> becomes a SYSTEM process (seen by Task Manager).

> If TB! is open (so TB! runs as a user's process), it works fine.

> How can I solve it?

What is your OS ?

Try setting up a short cut with 'Run as' and then calling that short cut. I
am doing much the same on W2K Server.

 Cheers,                   _______________________________________________
  David                   |    David  Elliott    |   Software  Engineer   |
 _________________________| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID 0x650F4534  |
| A time to mourn, and a time to dance. - Ecclesiastes 3:4                |

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