> Is there a way to select a group of messages (or even one folder) and
> download message bodies?

OK... I tried to do a full sync on some folders and after two AVs
decided to try one folder at a time.  After setting the folder option
to Full messages and syncing that folder, I thought all was good.
(folder in question had just over 1000 messages).

But when I went to read some of the messages in Mailbag Archive, many
of them were blank (headers only).  Upon checking these specific
messages in TB, sure enough, only headers are downloaded.

Before I report this as a bug, can someone please confirm this for me?
It's possible I just don't fully understand the way TB is syncing with
IMAP folders.  For example, do I need to show all messages when
peforming a full sync (no threading)?

What is the difference between "Full Messages" and "Headers and Text"?
Is it only the flags? What else does a message contain besides its
state (flags), headers and text?

Best regards,
 ken                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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