***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Mon, 7 Mar 2005, 
   @  @      at 20:59:04 +0000, when MFPA wrote:

>> even the Menu Navigator doesn't help me.

> What/where is the menu navigator? I can't find the term in the
> help file and the search tool on TBUDP brings up several pages
> none of which actually contain the search term.

On the left of the TB's title bar you have a tiny button near to
"minimize" one, with a question mark on it. Push it (by mammalizing it).
There is also a kbd shortcut but I can't recall, since it doesn't work
under my 98SE, while in XP does. Perhaps Alt+F12.

PGP keys nestled at: http://bardo.port5.com/pgpkeys/
[Earth LOG: 187 day(s) since v3.0 unleashing]
OS: Windows 98 SE Micro Lite Professional IVa Enterprise Millennium
    with nestled ZipSlack(tm) 9.1 UMSDOS Linux, and with Bochs 2.1.1
    with a small DLX Linux; and, for TB sometimes, Gentoo and Vector 
    via Wine...

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