On 28/3/2005 8:18 AM -0600, you wrote:

This  is  interesting.  Does  your  IMAP  machine run all the time and
constantly download messages or do you have to tell it do it manually?

My working machine which happens to run MDaemon Pro, my IMAP server software, is always running yes. Hence, it doesn't have to be installed on a dedicated machine, though that is more desirable (no space for me). MDaemon is always running and I ignore it most times. It polls my remote POP accounts at intervals and downloads them to a local account which I manage using IMAP.

I'm  a  little  reluctant to try this right now with IMAP in the state
its in (in The Bat!).

I can understand this. I guess it's a decision one has to make, i.e., which is more important .... TB!, or the choice of protocol. For me, it's the choice of protocol. I found it a bitter situation having to put TB! aside as my main client, especially after so many years of being utterly satisfied with it and having no interest in other clients. It's still *the* POP client to use by a comfortable margin.

However, if I were to do things again, I'd have started using IMAP earlier! It is *the* way to go when managing the same mail from multiple machines.

The current way I do things is working, but I was just wondering why I
didn't  seem  to  get  the  results I was after. As Roelof said, I can
always delete the messages with Mail Dispatcher, which I love BTW.

Ok. Good luck with it.

My main problem with your method is the message flagging.

When you move from one location to another, all the mail you read in the previous location will be downloaded and marked unread at the new location. It is often difficult to find the really new mail. Sometimes it's a matter of hundreds of messages to sift through with about half really unread. With IMAP, there are no such issues. Each location gives the current account status in all respects. It's as if you were always working at each location. This is fundamental, and for me, though I miss them, none of TB!'s specialized features will make me do without these basic benefits offered by the IMAP protocol when managing the same accounts from multiple machines.

 Allie Martin
System specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
A closed mouth gathers no feet.

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