Hi Jurgen,

Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 9:43:48 AM, you wrote:

JH>>> Something like reading the recipients from an external list and
JH>>> then sending independent mails to each recipient or so?

PF>> You could make a new address book (group), import all your
PF>> addresses into it and then make a quick template to use for the
PF>> mass mailing.

PF>> Then, in the address book, focus on the relevant book (group) and
PF>> select File - New mass mailing from template...

JH> I will try that out when I get to work, thanks for the tip!

  It appears today is my day to reply to messages from you, Jurgen. ;)

  I do exactly what Peter recommends for the mass mailings I send out
  intermittently to a large group of my friends. Each receives an
  individual copy of the same message. The template I use for the mass
  mailings follows. As you'll see it is very rudimentary and I'm sure
  not very sophisticated, but it works and it may help you get started
  with something more elegant.

,------- ( My QT for mass mailings )
| Hi %ABToFirstName,
| %SUBJECT='%PUT="c:\Notes\MassMail\subj.txt"'
| %PUT="c:\Notes\MassMail\current.txt"
| -- 
| Regards,
|  Perry

  You'll note that it requires two text files: one called "subj.txt"
  that is merely a one-line subject and the other called "current.txt"
  that contains the body of the message that is sent. The path to those
  files would have to be tailored to your own situation, of course.


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