Hello TBUDLers,

I've had a few bitches and moans on here about my Number One Bug
(apologies to Stephen King, but some days I just imagine Kathy Bates in
my PC causing this mayhem with a sledgehammer).

It's the one where my TB! groups keep losing accounts (and I keep losing
hairs).  Well, tonight I just figured out what the bug actually is!  I
had never before figured out how to reproduce the bug consistently.  Now
I have.

It would be helpful if someone (with a spare machine probably) could
test my theory as posted in the bug report.


BTW, not sure why the BT chose to turn some numbers I typed into bug
links - I really just meant them to be plain old numbers.

If any can reproduce, please note on the bug report and maybe this can
get looked at finally.  I've been living with this since version 1.6x.

I do wonder, however, if RIT will simply say "Sorry, not supported"
about what I am trying to do.  Then again, I suspect more than a few
people are doing what I do re the registry -- see bug report for

After you've read the bug report and think "just copy the registry
again", think again.  The user numbers are different for most accounts
between the two registry sets!  This probably matters somewhere else!

New Zealand / Aotearoa

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