Saturday, June 25, 2005, 7:50:18 PM, Roelof wrote:

RO> You don't have to install TB again.
RO> TB's registry entries are created by executing the program, so it
RO> suffices to run TB after you've deleted its entries from the registry.

Ah!  Another snippet.  See, when I was first trying to solve this
problem, the only way to get the app to even *run* for another user was
to manually copy the registry entries.

Anyone figured out how to map F1 to the TBUDL archives and do a
contextual search?


So, if I want to sort out the current state of affairs and get it so
that I can set up whatever I want and my wife logging on isn't going to
kill it - how do I go about it?  And does it mean that if I want to
change some settings for her that I have to log on as her Windows user
to do that - I imagine so.  What about managing email accounts for her?
i.e. setting up new ones, or checking out a suspicious email or

Previous paragraph is with all sarcasm and moaning switched off.  How
can I really achieve this from my current setup?

New Zealand / Aotearoa

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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