Hello alien51 & everyone else,

I won't be of much help, but anway...

on 10-Jul-2005 at 15:04 you (alien51) wrote:

> I'm trying to accomplish two things. Identify messages that have
> dangerous attachments (exe, scr, pif, ...) and messages with hidden http
> links to dangerous files (exe, scr, pif, ...). I've tried the following
> without any success.

> For the attached files:

...attachment handling is a bit poor in the sorting office, yes...

FWIW, I think that "<item> matches any of <list>" already does some RegEx
style comparisons, you would have to combine them with an AND operator.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

True science teaches, above all, to doubt and, to be ignorant. --
Miguel de Unamuno

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