Hello Jernej Simoncic,

> Scandisk might have been the culprit - it's not a tool meant for NT/2k/XP
> (though I have a hard time believing it ran at all - unless your disks use
> FAT32).

It was the 'tools' error checking under WinXP Pro.  After exiting TB!,
it allowed me to run the error checking.

> Zeroing out the files means that the errors were unrecoverable, though I
> haven't seen this happen on NTFS yet - but it's usual on FAT/FAT32,
> especially if a file was opened while the computer crashed.

The funny thing is, despite giving me the error, I could SEE some
messages in the folder window BEFORE running the error checking.
Unfortunately there was not room on the disk to make backup copies of
the damaged bases.  I did not have another external drive available to
do this either :-(

> Anyway, to prevent this from happening in the future, convert your drives to
> NTFS. Not only your data will be safer, Windows will also start up faster.
> To do this, go to Start->Run and run

The drives are ALL NTFS, and D: is external and is NTFS.  Still lost
the files (zeroed out).

> You'll have to reboot, and on startup, Windows will convert your drive to
> NTFS. This can take a while, depending on the number of files on your disk.

The error checking did run on the EXTERNAL disk which houses TB! and
the mail bases, without rebooting (after exiting TB!).

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the day:
"When money talks, nobody notices what grammar it uses."

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\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML),
      especially the new AOL implementation!

Composed & sent using TheBat! v2.12.00, hamstrung 
by Windows XP 5.1, Build 2600 Service Pack 2
on a Toshiba Satellite P25-S5261 / P4-3.2GHz with 
2GB RAM / 200GB HDD (100GB X2)

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