Hello Perry,
  A reminder of what Perry Nelson typed on:
  Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 09:53:38 GMT -0500

PN>   Is there a way to have the Virtual Folder, "Reply Needed," become
PN>   color coded with the Reply Needed color group when there are messages
PN>   in it? I realize I can choose the Virtual Tab to see my Virtual
PN>   Folders, but I'd like the folder to be colored, if possible, in the
PN>   folder list, but only when there are messages in it.

When you create a color group you can assign the color for the font
and for the background when the messages are read or unread. This
should let you do what you want. Go to
Options/Preferences/Messages/Color Groups & Fonts, select the color
group you want to change and set the Read color to black and the
Unread color to to your color group color. You may have to create a
new color group for this and give it a different name and then assign
it to your virtul folder.

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using The Bat! v3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta)
 On Windows XP 5.1 Build #2600

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