
On Thursday 2 March 2006 at 5:36:12 PM, in
<mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Meathrel

> As a result of this I've come across another problem I cannot
> overcome. I searched for a contact (with a group highlighted)
> using the string "targ" (without quotes). I pressed enter and a
> contact appeared, which was fine. However whatever I now type
> into the search box results in "targ" being shown! For example,
> if I now type x it will appear for a moment and then change to
> targ. Why this happens I don't know, I just can't seem to do
> anything without targ appearing. Does anyone know why this
> happens!?

If I type in something that it can't find it automatically changes
to the last successful entry (same as bat!! would change back to
bat!). If you have the same behaviour in your version of TB!, the
above would suggest the AB or group you are searching does not
contain the letter "x". If you clear the search box and type a
space, presumably it can match that and subsequently your x will
change to a space instead of to "targ"?

Best regards,

Don't talk unless you can improve on the silence

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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