
,- - [ Le samedi 25 mars 2006 vers 20:55 Alexander S. Kunz écrivait: ] - -
> Discouraged: readability, we've been thru that already. :-)

Avoiding hardwrap does not limit the readability as the reader remain able to 
display the message with a 76 chars width...  and a message without hardwrap is 
much more readable on some devices than a message with (PDA, cellular,...)...  
thus you told that hardwrapping is encouraged to lower the readability of the 
mails ? :p

>> I can live with it if i need to, i just do not understand why it's the
>> "recommended" way to do when there are another way much more
>> compatible with every screen and user wish...

> I dare say that it is very much a compatibility issue, even today... :-(

I still do not see the compatibility problem : is there some systems unable to 
read correctly messages without hardwrapping ?  That question remain open for 
me : is there a compatibility problem with mails using no hardwrapping ?  Is 
someone unable to read this mail because their reader cannot wrap itself ?

I've used emails for really long time, even before using Internet i was Fidonet 
node (2:291/713), i've used Golded for years, even golded under MSDos was able 
to wrap messages without the need of hardwrap in it...  in that time already i 
was sometimes using a console with 132 columns and not the standard 80 :)

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon métier !
,_)téphane Bouvard [antarex AT freenet DOT be] http://www.antarex.be

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