Hello John,

> Can someone explain to me the purpose of "sub filters"?

What you can do with sub-filters is actually up to your imagination and
needs. What you must have in mind is that sub-filters are not checked
(executed) if the condition(s) in the parent filter are not met first.

As a simple example think of a number of filters that have one condition
in common, A in the example below:

Filter 1: If A and B do...
Filter 2: If A and C do...
Filter N: If A and N do...

I would set up this as follows:

Filter 1: If A (an maybe not even take any action)
  Sub-Filter 1: If B do...
  Sub-Filter 2: If C do...
  Sub-Filter N: If N do...

This way, if condition A is not met in Filter 1, none of the
sub-filters will be "executed" to check for the other conditions. Why do

I some times use this set up with sub-filter just for clarity of my
filter structure.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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