I propoase the theory:

"PopFile is the only fully-configurable and adjustable spam filtering system
that works properly with TB"

Discuss please...


I have now tried all the various options - having become concerned about
PopFile producing endless Sql zero byte files in my temp folder and too
often seeming to cause hang ups with the connection centre... may not be
POPfiles fault I hasten to add. All the other plug-ins are either not good
enough or are just not sufficiently configurable - black list/whitelist /
magnet/bucket etc system such as in POPFile.

Marten Gallagher
Annery Kiln Web Design
Using The Bat! 3.80.06
with BayesIt 2.0.4
on Windows XP 5.1 

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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