L>> I haven't run into this, but I'm quite new to TB.
L>> Why does this happen?
IAW> If you have the X-Mailer option checked under
IAW> Options|Preferences|General, then The Bat! is identified in the
IAW> message headers. This is what they check to make their arbitrary
IAW> decision. Unckeck this and all should be OK.

Once upon a time some spammer(s) did choose to use TB! due to it's
configuriblity. This lead to some ISPs decision to simply ban TB!
traffic than to expend any effort toward better filters. This practice
is seeming hard coded into some ISPs' thinking (&/or hardware software
even maybe) to this day.

This is the reason that the option even exists under the options menu to
choose to not include TB! as the X-Mailer.

IAW> Maybe RITLabs needs to allow the user to enter whatever text they want
IAW> there!

Wasn't there an .EXE hack for TB! some versions ago, before that option
made it's way into TB!, that would allow you to do just that?


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