On Wednesday, August 9, 2006, 1:04:34 PM, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

AD>> Another suggestion from support was to leave all the mail on the
AD>> server, and let Voyager and TB just manage it separately. They
AD>> suggested always BCC'ing myself so I'd get a copy of mail I sent,
AD>> too.

But the real answer when you travel or use multiple computers is IMAP.
It will collect all your POP mail for you, and you can ease into using
the IMAP address. I could never go back to POP again without going
stark raving madder.

Dwight A. Corrin
928 S Broadway
Wichita KS 67211
316.303.1411  fax 316.265.7568
dcorrin at fastmail.fm
Using IMAP with The Bat! 3.81.14 Beta on Windows XP version 5,1

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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