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   ***^\     ."_)~~
 ~( __ _"o   Was another beautiful day, Mon, 21 Aug 2006,
   @  @      at 09:35:20 -0400, when rich gregory wrote:

rg>>> In ver 2.12 is there a way to set this or that folder to use a
rg>>> different view mode than the rest of the folders? I see in the
rg>>> folder properties general tab an unavailable option to "Edit view
rg>>> mode". Why is this unavailable?

PB>> While you wait for more competent replies, you set each folder to
PB>> "no view mode". Think this stops you settings from being overwritten
PB>> by any standard setting.

> Ah! The view mode options do not alter the real MODE of the view, only
> the columnar options.

> I was hoping that folder specific view modes would allow me to say
> folderA is HTML views and folderB is plain text view mode.

Might be, or might not be again, that it can be solved somehow by some
macro/regex/[q]uick (& [d]irty) [t]emplate self-triggered within The
Wanted View Mode which would trigger the command otherwise triggered
(remember the Trigger from "Only Fools And Horses"?) manually (pardon my
expression) when the Ctrl+Alt+Tab is used to switch to the HTML/plain
text view.

It sounds a bit complicated (convoluted?) but what is TBat for and why
we all love it despite its random self-triggering between its Mr Jackill
and Mr(Ms?) Beta nature? (:

A beautiful fresh rain here folks. Enjoy my enjoyment.

I hope you are all well, to a reasonable and deserved extent, and that
you are able to (p)reserve some "quality" time for pork and to cogitate,
or ruminate, or simply mull and chew over origin and intention of
universe, for without it the water never would...have been wet, which is
most fascinating and above all significant, since a dry universe is a
sadness that grinds and whines.

- --
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