Hello everyone, I really liked using TB, but I decided to give up using it in favor of Microsoft Outlook and in case you are wondering, I hate using Outlook!

I will be the first one to admit TB is 10x better than Outlook, but I am tired of my e-mails getting rejecteted and having to deal with the negative image TB has in the public eye. If the producers of TB understand these issues and why their product is constantly being labeled as SPAM, then they need to fix the software code, so this does not happen. I never here of these issues happening with any other mail client, yet all mail clients are used for sending SPAM. I am very disappointed this issue is still an issue after a few years! When will the software code writers of TB wake up? This product easily could have captured the entire market share because of its supperior features not found in other mail clients, yet, it lags behind all the others in market share because of their lack of willingness to change.


Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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