Hello Peter,

On Thu, 4 Jan 2007 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PK> Is there something I do wrong or is that how AntiSpamSniper generally
PK>  behaves?

I've used this programme for quite a few months now and have only had
one false positive in all of that time. For me it's pretty flawless. I
don't have any other antispam programmes running either.


| The Bat! 3.95.6 with POP3 account & AntispamSniper
| Windows XP (build 2600) version 5.1 Service Pack 2
| F-Prot AV, Outpost Firewall Pro, Spysweeper, Adaware, SpyBot
| CPU: Athlon 1.09 Ghz
| RAM: 1024 MB

Holiday in France: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lazyhomes/holiday.html   

Current version is 3.95.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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