I am using the paid version of Antispam Sniper and have 2 questions.

1.  Lately I've been getting a lot of spam that (1) in the next has a
bunch of random words to make it look like it isn't spam and then (2)
there seems to be an embedded image of information about a particular
stock.  I get tons of these and Antispam Sniper never recognizes them
as spam.  I do mark them as spam but this hasn't seemed to help.  Has
anyone seen this? If so, any solutions?

2.  I like to look at the Antispam Sniper log to see what has been
marked spam and ham.  If I see something mismarked in the log though I
have to leave the log and then go find the message and mark it
correctly.  Is there any way to do this in the log itself so I don't
have to go hunt for the message?

I do largely like antispam sniper but the fact that it never
identifies anything of these stock tip spams (which in the last few
months I probably get 20 of a day) is disconcerting.

Oh, I'm using 3.85.03.

Best regards,
 Kitty                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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