Dear fellow TBUDL members,

I've just switched from using Sunset Kerio firewall,
which was giving problems, to using the AVG firewall -
chosen partly on the grounds that it would complement the
AVG anti-virus software I already used. I chose to use
the AVG Internet Security Home Edition plugin which in my
case is located in Program Files\Grisoft\AVG7\avgtbas.tbp

Since installing it, I've had intermittent problems with
The Bat! In essence, TB seems to get gummed up when
importing mail which has apparently been both downloaded
and checked by AVG. But, like all the 'best' problems,
this one doesn't always happen.

I've not always been able to close the downloading
component. In one case, trying to do that using Task
Manager resulted in TM itself getting stuck. It appears
as though the screen isn't then refreshing too.
Usually, though, I have been able to use TM to close

When I have been able to close the dispatch manager to
abort its tasks, I was intrigued to see the a nice
message offering to 'try to shut down gracefully in 60
sec' with a countdown: but when it gets to 0 TB program
itself seems to stop responding.

After restarting TB, all works for a while; then the
Connection Centre sticks on storing incoming messages
apparently already downloaded and scanned. This applies
for some, but not always all, accounts. After the close
down count mentioned above, TB stops responding and has
to be stopped using Task Manager.

Have other people had similar problems - and, if so,
found a solution? It looks as if I'm going to have to
stop AVG scanning messages received by TB and revert to
my manual inspection of headers.


Using TB! v3.99.3 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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