Hello List,

On Wednesday, May 28, 2008, 12:03:51 PM, Jeff wrote:

> I am trying to import my address book into TB v4 from a csv file - the
> column headers have the same names as TB uses to make it easier. It
> seems to be making a pig's ear of it though. The csv files is "clean"
> - no commas, notes column removed in case of any odd characters, but
> the data is not going into the correct fields.

> Any hints or tips for a clean import? I actually wrote a small program
> to get the data into Barca but that used an ini file for address data
> so was fairly easy.

I have succeeded with this!

I had an empty column in the spreadsheet which I removed. I also 
juggled the spreadsheet so it was in exactly the same order as an 
exported address book.

Best regards
Jeff Gaines Damerham Hampshire UK

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