C2>> I am experiencing a curious problem.  Over the last couple weeks, some
C2>> of my e-mail folders have gotten very sluggish.  Clicking on old or
C2>> new mail in these folders takes a few seconds to respond (the response
C2>> used to be instant) and deleting mail takes a few more seconds (it
C2>> also used to be instant).

C2>> Compressing the folders doesn't help and my hard disk has almost no
C2>> fragmentation.  According to Maintenance Centre, no folders are
C2>> damaged.  The problem folders are small -- fewer than 1,000 messages
C2>> and the messages.tbb files are less than than 10MB.  Interestingly,
C2>> folders with more than 7,000 messages and messages.tbb files of nearly
C2>> 2GB are still lightning fast.

C2>> Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

TF> Yes. I have had this with a folder two or three times over the years.

C2>>  Any solutions?

TF> Roelof was right on the spot. I do it slightly differently: Copy the
TF> messages somewhere (for example to a newly-created "temporary
TF> folder"), delete the message.tbb and message.tbit files whil TB! is
TF> closed, and then copy the messages back. If all is OK, you can delete
TF> the "temporary folder" again.

Unfortunately, neither suggestion helped.  Any other ideas would be
appreciated.  Fortunately, none of my big, critical folders have been
affected/afflicted, so I'm limping along for now.

Code 2  :canadaflag:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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On the menu of a New Orleans restaurant: Blackened bluefish

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