Hello Alain,

This is what you said on Sat, 30 May 2009 17:15:05 +0200 your time:

> yep, look at %APPDATA%\The Bat!\FolderTabs.CDB

I've got my message base and the TB! installation folder on a TrueCrypt
volume so the %APPDATA% folder was empty, nothing in it re RIT or TB!
However, I found the file under my TB! message base, and backed it up before
deleting it.

Deleting the file did not have any effect on TB! remembering the last
expanded account. E.g. I expanded the last account in my account tree (there
are six account) and a few of the branches under it, and then exited TB! I
then deleted FolderTabs.CDB and launched TB! again. The same account tree
and branches were expanded even after deleting the file. So it made no
difference whatsoever deleting FolderTabs.CDB. So maybe the last state is
saved some place else.

Simon (Privateofcourse)
#23376. We Nows Dig Hero? ¶
 TB! 4.1.11  WinXP Pro Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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