
On Tuesday 11 August 2009 at 11:57:27 AM, in
<mid:1733375512.20090811115...@trink.co.uk>, jb_lists...@trink.co.uk

> Is  there a way to turn off Address Autocomplete of the
> To: field? 

Options | Preferences | Viewer/Editor | Message headers

select "To:" and press "Edit." On the "Editing" tab, remove whichever
ticks you wish. The change will also apply to "CC:" and "BCC:" fields.

This will not affect the "address history" dropdown list, which is 
accessed via the double-down-chevrons button at the end of the address 
input field.

> The risk  of  errors  is  quite  high,

especially if you are including "Input History" in your list of
sources to autocomplete from - obsolete addresses, people you only had
occasion to contact once, previous mis-types...

I find the suggestions from AB sometimes useful but the autocomplete a
bit of a liability when I'm half asleep.

> particularly  since  the method of selecting  the
> desired entry from the list (down arrow and then Enter)
> is  different  from  that of most other autocomplete
> lists (down arrow and tab).

I've not encountered the "down arrow and tab" method myself (-;

Best regards,

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