On Monday, August 17, 2009, at 1:50:23 AM, Achdut18 wrote:

> Mail can be downloaded and sent from either machine, and viewed
> simultaneously; however the mail actually "resides" on the desktop, with
> the laptop's registry files merely indicating that the actual mail  files
> are  residing on the desktop.  Do you know if this type of network setup
> will work when running XP inside of VMware's Fusion?

While I'm not using a Mac, I do run TB! in an XP virtual machine under
VMWare Server version 2 on a Linux system, and have no problem accessing
the message files from other machines on my LAN. I've set up the VM to use
bridged networking rather than NAT, so that it has its own address on the
LAN (separate from that of the host system). I would expect Fusion to have
this capability also since it's a standard VMWare feature.

Jim Kyle

Using The Bat! v4.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 running
in a VMWare virtual machine under Xubuntu 8.04.3 with AntiSpamSniper

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