
On Wednesday 9 December 2009 at 4:41:05 AM, in
<mid:677961945.20091208224...@gmail.com>, Munango-Keewati wrote:

> On Monday, November 16, 2009, 7:05:17 PM, MFPA wrote:

>> You can select a number of days to keep messages
>> and/or a maximum number of messages to keep. You can
>> also use "folder-specific deletion" settings choose
>> what to do with the messages you are removing (eg move
>> them to an archive folder).

> It would be nice if the Inbox allowed "folder-specific
> deletion" settings, but as far as I can tell, it
> doesn't.   Wonder why.

Probably to encourage people who automate things to filter their mail 
to other folders and not leave it sitting in the inbox.

My solution is to put a catch-all incoming mail filter after all my
other incoming filters to move "any message" to a folder called "Other
Incoming" and to apply the folder-specific deletion settings to that

Best regards

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