Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 5:46:22 PM, Jack wrote:

>>> I received an email which has several pictures embedded in it.
>>> Actually, for unknown reasons, the first picture is an attachment and
>>> shows up in the side pane as such.  The remainder of the pictures are
>>> actually embedded in the body of the email.

I think you are talking about images that are linked, not embedded. The first 
image you refer to is embedded, the rest are linked.

>>> This same email when sent to my Gmail account readily displays ALL of
>>> the pictures assuming I click on the DISPLAY IMAGES BELOW which is
>>> contained in the IMAGES ARE NOT DISPLAYED box.

GMail displays all the images because it's being viewed inside a browser, which 
obviously is designed to show all linked images.

R>> I get this a lot in Yahoo groups. There is one image that can be
R>> viewed. Open the index.html and they SHOULD all be visible except the
R>> one that was visible in the message. If so, the issue is external
R>> links in the email

R>> The fix is for Ritlabs to add a button to "show external links in this
R>> email"

That is what the URL Manager does, essentially, just with higher security in 
that it allows you to selectively allow or block images linked to external 

JSL> Hmmm, interesting.  While viewing the email in TB I have two icons in
JSL> the left pane: MESSAGE.HTML and ATT00001.JPG; the ATT00001.JPG being
JSL> the sole image viewable from within TB.  If I double-click on the
JSL> MESSAGE.HTML icon it causes my browser (FireFox) to be launched and
JSL> lo, all the images appear *except* the ATT00001.JPG image just as you
JSL> describe.  Never thought to try this with previous problematic emails
JSL> from this person.

Because a browser shows linked images.

JSL> Has this been brought to RIT Labs attention?

JSL> Thank you Rick.  I'll try this on the next message I have trouble with
JSL> from this person.

In the sense that there's a button right there on the email to display the URL 
Manager... Look for the button that shows a globe with a question mark in the 
lower right corner.


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